SPA DE PARIS stopped selling gift cards as of July 2022 for these reasons.
Bonjour Friends & Family ;-)
We started selling gift cards when we first opened and have always had a six-month expiration. It is all over our website and even on the gift card, but we seem to have a lot of people going over expiration and are rude and threaten our business if we don’t redeem them.
The prices of everything have gone up in our business and we are trying everything not to put that back on the clients by raising our prices. So, when someone goes over expiration date, we still must pay our employees and cover the cost of the service. Gift cards are good for businesses that are bigger.
This year has been very hard in either finding technicians and in covering the cost of everything.
Our biggest goal in owning a small business is giving quality services at a fair price.
So going forward we feel it will be less of a burden on us to sell gift cards and worry about being able to redeem them all.
SPA De PARIS is built on giving the highest quality services over quantity for the most reasonable prices and continues to have great savings packages available at the SPA without raising prices like many other competitors have done past two years.
* If you would still like to buy a gift of massage or spa day at the spa my suggestion is either to book the appointment and prepay or buy a visa gift card with the amount of the service so this way even if it is not redeemed for massage, you will not lose your money and we only get paid when the service is rendered.
Always be "The Little Paris in San Antonio, TX"
Au revoir et a bientôt ;-)
Connie L Cooper
Very Proud Small Business Owner & Massage Therapist Instructor of Spa De Paris